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Logo Story

The work of Catholic Outreach is based upon Gospel values and the logo has been developed from the Letter of James (2:14-17) to all Christians.

Above the Host and Chalice is a red symbol representing both cloth and water. Cloth is used to provide warmth and shelter from the elements and directly relates to the clothing mentioned in St James’ letter. This symbol also represents water, which is used in the sacrament of Baptism symbolising cleansing and birth to new life.  Baptism lays the foundation for us to be active in bringing justice to the world. Water is also the basic requirement for life.



The loaves of bread and the bunch of grapes represent the food referred to by St James. Outreach volunteers provide many casseroles and other meals at times of distress.

Just as the bread and wine produced through the work of our hands becomes the body and blood of Christ so the actions of the community in cooking, sharing food and performing other works become the life of Christ in the world.

Just as bread requires wheat to be planted, harvested and made into flour the loaf of bread also symbolises the work we must do to help our brothers and sisters.

The work of Outreach not only helps our brothers and sisters in time of need but also often is a pre-evangelising activity for people who have not found Christ in their lives.

Finally, the logo represents a celebration of the life we have in Christ.